Monday, November 12, 2007

My Friendly Award!!

Go check out her blog- She is very funny, realistic and just a joy to read. I have been boppin over there for awhile now and it's always fascinating what she finds to blog about.
I can't believe little ole me and my rambling blog received an award! And it's a friendly site award too! This is pretty cool. I "sponsored" our neighborhood party this year and after it was over I decided I was going to try and get suggestions from all the neighbors on how they would make it better. One neighbor suggested that maybe I should set up a blog and then I would be able to post pictures and info on that. Me- trying to play it cool just replied with a "Oh yeah, that is a great idea," then went home and googled "Blog" to find out what the hell he was talking about. A blog, hmmm I can figure this out. I am not that uncool that I can't figure it out right?! I mean my college sisters might think I am pretty uncool, I've been told I wear "MomJeans" but C'mon, All moms know your hips just won't fit into those "skinny" jeans anymore. (I need a whole nother blog for this!!) So after looking into blogging for awhile I was determined to start my own- just about 2 months later and here I am...with an AWARD, blogging about whatever comes to mind and can you believe it people actually come to my blog to read this mumble jumble that goes through my head...and I have an AWARD, did I mention that? So, since I am a friendly blogger, I will pass this on to...drum roll please... Life According to Lizzy. She's another new blogger and I know how great it feels to know your doing it right! Check her out!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Hun! I love coming and catching up on what's going on, I'm so "out of the loop"... can't wait to hit the beach with everyone in April!!!

Lizzy in the Burbs said...

Hi Girlymom!
WOW! I'm so honored that you did this, I can't believe it! (I'm doing the whole hands in front of the mouth, gasping thing!) I feel the same way you do, it's really awesome to be able to express yourself and have people respond and give you feedback. How cool is this??! I've only been doing this for a couple of weeks, but it's the strangest thing, feel like I've gained a bunch of new "girlfriends"! It's also changed my perspective on life in general. You know, listening to the news or even reading the newspaper is so depressing sometimes, and just makes me feel like the human race has become so desensitized and ugly, but blogging has changed my opinion. In reading your blog, and others like Kellan and Stacie, it has made me realize there are far more nice, and good people out there than bad ones, you just don't hear about the nice ones! I would send this award right back at you (if only I knew how to do it!) You'll have to explain that one to me! (duh!) :) How did your "girls" weekend go? Hope you had fun! Thanks again! Lizzy

Unknown said...

yay, for you!!! congrats~!

Kellan said...

You are very welcom for the award - it is well deserved. Keep on enjoying this blogging thing - I'll be around to see often what is going on with you!